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History of Guts and Seeds

1992 – At 10 years old, Jeremy Burghall sees a pumpkin portrait of Roseanne on her TV sitcom. He attempts his first portrait carving of Bruce Lee.

1992 to 2003 – Jeremy continues to hone his craft, putting on pumpkin carving displays at his home that attract hundreds of visitors every Halloween.

2004 – Jeremy setups a pumpkin display at Queens Park, New Westminster.

2005 – Jeremy enlists the help of two friends, David Ward and Alex Huijsman to create ‘Pumpkinshop’. A software program that converts portrait photographs into pumpkin carving stencils.

2005 – Jeremy, David and friends carve pumpkin portraits of the Vancouver Canucks and get the attention of CTV News, CBC, and The Vancouver Sun, among others.

2005 – Jeremy and friends put on a pumpkin carving display for the Sapperton Pumpkin Festival.

2006 – Jeremy setups up a pumpkin carving display at the New Westminster Quay Market.

2012 – Appearance on City TV’s Breakfast Television, Jeremy carves the show’s hosts.

2013 – Jeremy creates a pumpkin carving display of TELUS ‘Critters’ at his work.

2015 – Jeremy sets up a pumpkin carving display in Burnaby of the federal political party leaders, garnering attention from multiple news outlets again.

2015 – Jeremy is on TV again with pumpkin portraits of each of the hosts of CTV Morning Live!

2017 – A chance meeting with local tycoon Jimmy Pattison, leads to Jeremy carving a pumpkin portrait for his birthday.

2022 – Jeremy and team hold an event in Burnaby, ‘Carved Into Night’ with dozens of Jack O’ Lanterns, including three pumpkin portraits in honour of H.M. Queen Elizabeth II. Getting media attention from CTV News and CBC.

2023 – Guts and Seeds is incorporated to formally teach advanced pumpkin carving to students in Burnaby and host larger events.

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