Registration for our Pumpkin Carving class opens in September 2023.
- Focus on safety, praising for effort with a growth mindset and team building.
- Teaching 10-12 year old students in Burnaby.
- Maximum 8 students to 1 instructor ratio.
- Maximum 16 students per class.
- Two – 2 hour classes to complete 1 Jack O’ Lantern per week.
- Note: Carved pumpkins will be displayed at Guts and Seeds Event.
- Students will receive 3 free tickets to event each week, to bring their family/friends.
- Total of 10 classes over 5 weeks from week of Sept 24th 2023 until week of Oct 22nd 2023.
- Two instructors will teach all classes.
- Tuition to include 10 classes, 15 tickets to Guts and Seeds Event, carving tools students keep, student’s own designed stencil and a pumpkin to carve at home for Halloween.
Class admission fees yet to be determined, but will be inexpensive, set to break even only on class costs.
Locations for classes are yet to be determined. Let us know which school your child attends below so that we can find a location that best serves you!
Enrollment for 2023 will be very limited.
Email us below to put your child on the waitlist. No obligations.
We will email you in August with full details if you wish to register.